Monday, February 7, 2011

busy bee.

This past week I have focused a lot of my time on organizing my stuff for this semester. I have three portfolios to keep track of (one being online) throughout my time in the college of education and countless observations to get done asap for this semester. I feel less stressed with everything having its own place and being able to know exactly where everything is. 

I finally worked this week, the first time in three weeks. My next pay check is seriously going to be $0.

Here are pictures of what I did this past week:

I applied to San Pedro Scripture Camp for the summer. I'm crossing my fingers I get chosen to join the counselor team! If I do this it will basically mean I'll be living at this camp for two months, I'm super excited about it and the money is pretty awesome too!

This is my attempt at getting organized, it was a lot more confusing then it looks.

As I organized I finished the sixth season of The Office. Now I need to get caught up with this season!!

As I was getting ready to go out last night a HUGE (this picture does not do it justice and I was too scared to get closer to it) grasshopper was FLYING around my room.

I went to Pine Crest this morning (7:45) to observe Ms. Bailey's literature block for an hour and a half. It was a good experience and now I'm confused (again!) as to what grade I want to teach, I forgot how fun 1st graders are!

These are two of my hard copy portfolios. One is for ESOL and the other for Reading. They look pretty naked now, but by the time I graduate they will be overflowing with work. I'm kind of dreading this.

This bottom shelf is now designated for all of my books and notebooks, which are filled with tons of teaching resources and lesson plans classmates and myself have created. I'm thinking I'm going to need to clear the shelf above it though and make the whole bookshelf for the college of education.

See ya later bloggy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Harry Potter and Jesus.

So basically the past week I've been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, been busy busy busy with school and helped out with my church's high school retreat Friday-Sunday.

Valentines Day + the 3 year anniversary is coming up fast, I should probably figure out what the hell I'm going to get my bf before it's too late!

Here's pictures from the past week (the majority all of them are from Harry Potter):

Zonko's Joke Shop, there were way too many people to get decent shots of it though :/  

"Shh.. the walls have ears"



Hogwarts Castle

The line itself for this ride was amazing, I wanted to spend hours in it so I could see everything!

sorting hat

Three Broomsticks


This obviously isn't a great picture (taken on the bfs iphone) BUT I had to include it because I was the "chosen one" at Ollivanders and got to mess with the wands and shout out spells!!

Ollivanders, the lighting was awkward so it was hard to get good pictures in there.

My one random picture from the "Building the Kingdom " retreat (hints the swords we had to blow up and crown).. I was too busy to take any others.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jan 24th and 25th. 26th coming once I do something interesting today..

I just overheard my parents talking about seeing Black Swan. I wouldn't care if they were normal people and could handle seeing a movie with intense sex scenes.. but my parents freak out when a couple in a movie starts making out (except for in The Notebook, that movie was a "masterpiece"). So for them, today will be interesting.

For the past two days all I have done is gone to school and complete ridiculous homework assignments. I also have worked out the past three days and signed up for a spinning class again today! New Years Resolutions are looking up!

Here are pictures of me doing homework (I said I would take pictures.. I didn't say they would be good) :

This card from James still cracks me up every time I see it.. I get distracted easily when doing homework.

All of that writing in my planner is what I had to work on in one night :(

distracted by AIM.. am I back in high school??

Everything I needed for homework last night. womp. womp.

Tomorrow I am going to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

busy bee.

I have been incredibly busy with school, work and neglecting this blog! Along with not updating this blog, I haven't taken many pictures either (surprise!).
womp. womp.
Lately I have been swamped with school work, wasting money on food and not working out. I have broken every New Years Resolution I made for this year.
So here's to starting over! This week I will be taking my camera everywhere and shooting, its already in my purse and ready to go! 

Yesterday was date day with the boyfriend. He took me to lunch at a delish Italian restaurant (Anthony's near Mellenia) and then we went to Tiffany's to pick out my necklace! We also wandered over to Cheesecake Factory for an early dessert. Yesterday was also spent by watching over four hours of The Office. <3 Today consisted of church meetings and mass, Italian fam dinner and working out to Jillian Michaels killer DVD. I did manage to take a few micro pics tonight of my new Tiffany's necklace(!) and some bangles my sister gave me that I can't get enough of!

I love how they annoyingly clang around all the time, everyone knows where I am at all times!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

oh hey bloggy.

Well, hello there! Remember me? The girl who was going to take a photo a day? Well that obviously blew up in my face! I really thought I could do it, but obviously I can't. Oh well.
Here's what you missed out on. My classes started on Tuesday. So far they're okay, I already am overwhelmed with the work load and I still have one more class to go to. :/
I went to World Of Beer last night with some friends. It was deliciously fun!
Today I will be going to a spinning class out at UCF and hopefully WORKING, since I haven't gotten called into work in a week. I need another job asap (and one that doesn't involve retail, please) bleh.

Here are some photos I took over the past few days:

Excuse my crappy lighting.
My sister decided to make a friendship bracelet, so i documented it until I finally got bored with it.

She's adorable.
My pets like to eat at the same time. Before this picture was taken,
 they were both drinking out of the same water bowl. so.cute.
My class schedule for Spring. Tuesdays suck.

My cutie outfit for World of Beer last night.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

This is harder to keep up with then I thought it would be..

So here's to being disappointed.. I haven't taken a single picture today or yesterday. My camera is currently dead and I seemed to have misplaced the charger for it :/

Yesterday I worked from 4-730 at Epcot. I babysat a five month and a two year old. The parents paid for my entrance into the park and I had to sit in the childcare center the entire time with the kids. What a waste of money!!
After work another epic drunken downtown night ensued with the biff and friends.
Now I've been in bed all day creeping on facebook and wishing I hadn't mixed so many different types of liquors last night. I babysit tonight at 730, hopefully this hangover wears off by then.

To fill a photo void that this post is missing, I will post a picture of the necklace I want from Tiffanys. James will be purchasing this for me asap. lol


Thursday, January 6, 2011

already missed a day! This is not easy.

I've been at my boyfriends place the past two days, so I took a ton of pictures of our cat yesterday. That's all I did. and eat Chipotle.

Here is my model cat, Bella Deandra <3

This one is just too cute to not post, even though it's not the greatest photo.

So that's my post for yesterday. Here's my post for today, lol
I went to the gym, uploaded itunes and music onto my brand new mini mini mini ipod nano. I am now currently laying in bed watching Cake Boss and CRAVING Publix cake.

Here's a pic of my cutie new ipod nano:

It's so tiny!

Here's to getting some type of sweet later tonight!